Monday, January 13, 2014

Flaws and all

Occasionally since I started this blog, I wonder if anyone ever reads it. Or do they care about what I'm saying. Other days I think it doesn't matter, this blog is a place for me to get out my real thoughts and feelings. I am a human being after all. I have doubts and fears and insecurities. But that's what makes us real isn't it? That's what makes people relate to one another. Our flaws make up out personality.

See we are all born perfect. Beautiful creatures brought into this world with not a smudge on our records. Immediately, our flaws start to compound. We cry very loudly, we have a birthmark, our parents saddle us with a crazy name, we have no parents, we are a "big baby", we are a "small baby", and the list keeps going on. So why does society look at flaws as a bad thing? They call people fat, or stupid or too smart or too thin, or you wear the wrong thing, show to much skin, don't make enough money. They cut people down for BEING HUMAN.

Perfect is not relatable. Have you ever met someone you view as "perfect"? They have the awesome body, great career, their relationship is working in their favor. And what's your reaction to that? Mine is "yikes, I could never be this person." Now don't think I'm hating on people who have it all together. Bravo to them. But chances are they don't have it all together. Something in their life is not working in their favor but they do not let that small misstep show. That's fine and dandy for some people but I am so not like that. And I think that's what allows me to talk to people. I am approachable because I'm not afraid to be vulnerable in front of others. I'm not afraid to say that I have parental problems, that I can't seem to be in a steady relationship. I am not thin and I LOVE FOOD to the point of being overweight. I am not scared to share my struggles with others.

I WANT to let others know that they are not alone in their flaws. I WANT to know that I'm not alone in my struggles. In doing so I have made some amazing friends and mentors. Perfect is not relatable but flaws are. So before you look at someone and think "yikes", why don't you say hello? They might have something going on in their life that you are too. Or they might just want someone to not judge them.

This is something I am working on myself. It's not instantaneous, it takes time to change your perspective, but you can do it. And you may just find and befriend some remarkable people doing it, flaws and all. <3

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