Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Hardest 3 Days of My Life To Date

Oh my gosh. If you are friends with me on Facebook, you know by now that the past 3 days I have done a detoxing cleanse that consisted of 3 shakes a day with fruit and veggies for snacks.

Hardest. Three. Days. Ever.

I cannot believe the mental and physical strength and determination is took to get through this! And I wasn't even perfect. You can bet your bottom dollar that I messed up and ate something I wasn't supposed to more than once! It was so hard to not be chewing every meal first of all. And add to that that I was hungry, I mean, hello, I'm a big girl and my highest caloric intake during this cleanse (even with my cheats) was approximately 1700 cals! Crazy I tell you.


With all of that being said, I feel better than I have in months. It was SO worth it and I WILL be doing it again next quarter. I feel so light and hydrated. I am glow-y and happy. I feel GOOD about what I've been putting in my body (minus the slip ups but still, everyone is human). And best of all, the girl I did the cleanse with feels the SAME way. She told me how her caffeine headache went away, that when she did a light cardio activity she felt energized and light as well. It has been so worth it.

I would have killed an innocent bystander yesterday to get my hands on a footlong from Subway and a diet coke but I looked in the mirror after stripping down for my shower and thought "hmm, I look smaller." So I decided to test my observation and stepped on the scale. I was down 4 pounds after the first two days of the cleanse! I definitely did a victory dance and all thoughts of murder/subway/diet cokes flew out of my head. I wanted to finish and finish strong. While I'm still sitting at work and I still have one shake to go, plus some water and my veggies I cannot share my final results just yet but I know that this was worth it. It tested my head and my body and both have come out stronger and better for it. :D

I can honestly say though I am looking forward to a real meal. I'm thinking oatmeal and fruit for breakfast this morning. I will not be ruining what I just put myself through. It was much too worth it.


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