For some reason, today's society is so inclined to tell their kids or their friends that "you can't always get what you want". How many of us have heard that statement? And how many times have you heard it? Probably pretty frequently. One of my favorite's that I've heard is "This ain't Burger King. You can't have it your way." I mean, it is kind of funny when you think about it. But it's still not accurate.
I actually learned this morning (and I use the term "learned" very loosely) on Twitter that negative thinking is a hereditary trait. Also that the brain is more likely to remember and recall bad memories as a protection mechanism. UberFacts on Twitter teaches me a lot (; But either way, you can see that we are set up for negativity. Even if you come from happy people, your brain is trying to make you think negatively. And this sucks.
Though I do not think this is something we cannot overcome. I think with enough reading and training, people in this world can get every single thing that they want. I truly think this is possible. There are people in this world that DO get everything they want how they want it and you could be one of those as well. Your current situation does not dictate who you can be in the future. You can set goals and achieve them. You CAN be who you want to be and get whatever you want.
People need to hear this more often. We are bias to be a negative society and that's just not okay. There are so many people who believe that they will always just get by or that they will be stuck in their job forever or in an unhappy relationship and that is not okay.
We need to be a society that believes they can have everything. I am not saying you should go out and walk around like you are entitled or deserve the world. Because if you don't work for it, you don't deserve the world. But to believe in positivity and believe that people can reach their ultimate dreams is important today.
I'll link up a video of me talking about this subject to as well but please, if you don't watch that and just read this small piece, please know that you should not settle. Ever. I don't care if you are 18 or 80. Pursue your goal, pursue your dreams. Know that you are worth having everything you work for and want.